Astrodyne Academy

The unexpected return of former student, Atlas Morningstar, slowly unravels the secrets of the prestigious Astrodyne Academy's true nature and history. Below contains a select preview of photos from the yearbook for the Astrodyne Academic Institute for the Arcane Arts and Sciences 20xx School Year.

NAME: Atlas MorningstarYEAR: 2ZODIAC: VirgoDEPARTMENT: Arcanum – UNDECLARED (Previously Astral Physicum)LIKES: Night broom rides, stickers, saber fencing, library reading nooks, colorful stickers and stationery, cafeteria lunches, & their closest friends
DISLIKES: Night broom rides, stickers, saber fencing, library reading nooks, colorful stickers and stationery, cafeteria lunches, & their closest friends
ABOUT: Atlas is a witch in training and the previous academic year’s top scholar. However, after an unfortunate incident during the winter solstice exams, they suddenly disappeared for over a year -- swiftly flying back home on their broom without a word. They’ve returned for the new 20xx academic term with a new look -- periwinkle dyed hair and a pearly glint in their eyes – oh and a mysterious new tome (calling himself “Noire”) latched to their belt. Although they’re not as diligent in their academics as before, they remain just as loyal and kind to the friends they made before departing from Astrodyne Academy… all except their former peers from the Scholar Council – Yohan and Luna.
NAME: Caspian Silang LagunaYEAR: 1ZODIAC: PiscesDEPARTMENT: Vitalium - Niloticus (Marine Biology)LIKES: his family, spicy food, postcards, rowdy crowds at sports games and concerts, moshpits, eskrima, pilates, & swimming in Lunula Lake!
DISLIKES: his family, spicy food, postcards, rowdy crowds at sports games and concerts, moshpits, eskrima, pilates, & swimming in Lunula Lake!
ABOUT: Caspian is the newest rising star of the academy’s lacrosse team on an international sports scholarship. He hails from a distant nation comprised of numerous islands but transferred to be able to study at the academy’s rapidly evolving marine biology department. He's often homesick for his town and family, so his reminiscing contributes to his reputation as an aloof jock. Despite this reputation, Caspian’s friends, family, and fellow teammates know he wears his heart of gold on his varsity jacket sleeve. Caspian met Atlas through their mutual friendship with Jabari – their first formal meeting during the halftime break of one of his games. (For her sake, he doesn’t count the time he caught her napping and drooling on a school desk during detention after his lacrosse practice.) He and Atlas tend to butt heads because they both have such strong personalities, but deep down they’ve very alike!
NAME: Jabari Magnus AmaniYEAR: 2ZODIAC: TaurusDEPARTMENT: Sacrum - Initium (History)LIKES: draconic calamity era weapons and relics, fossilized plants, fountain pens, baking, skateboarding, knitting, & boba milk tea drinks
DISLIKES: draconic calamity era weapons and relics, fossilized plants, fountain pens, baking, skateboarding, knitting, & boba milk tea drinks
ABOUT: Jabari is a shy history student hailing from the neighboring local town that helped construct Astrodyne Academy amidst the Draconic Calamity. He’s involved with Astrodyne’s curation of its natural history museum even before formally attending the school – serving as a tour guide & organizer for exhibitions. When he isn't studying the rich history of the region’s ancient Draconic Calamity or covering for Atlas's recent mischievous antics -- he works part-time as the school's beloved, energetic mascot “Draco” at school events. Jabari and Atlas instantly got along when attending orientation their first year – sharing a fondness for a saber in the museum and a similar dry sense of humor –becoming close friends ever since! He doesn’t know why Atlas left Astrodyne initially or why she’s done a 180 from her former scholarly self – but he trusts in due time that she’ll disclose her reasons when she’s ready to. For now, he’s got her back and knows she got his.
NAME: Mimi E. NokiYEAR: 2ZODIAC: GeminiDEPARTMENT: Vitalium - Agaricus (Plant Biology)LIKES: bioluminescent fungi, cute mascots, vintage field guides, top bunk bed, berets, knitted wool socks & outerwear, potion mixology, & dried fruits
DISLIKES: bioluminescent fungi, cute mascots, vintage field guides, top bunk bed, berets, knitted wool socks & outerwear, potion mixology, & dried fruits
ABOUT: Mimi is a young prodigy in the Vitalium life sciences department – with a concentration in mycology and field research. Many underestimate her because of her young age, height (or lack thereof), and brash demeanor, but she’s the brightest among her peers. She’s basically a walking plant encyclopedia – she can identify any plant like the back of her hand and give you a whole hour-long lecture about it. Since she often skipped classes for research excursions during her schooling, she’s found it difficult to befriend most peers her age. However, Mimi quickly became close friends with Atlas when she let a spider out of their dorm room, and bonded over a shared meal afterward in the cafeteria. Since then, she constantly sticks to Atlas’s side – looking to her like a best friend and looking out for her like an older sibling who’s up to no good.
NAME: Luna ObligeYEAR: 2ZODIAC: AriesDEPARTMENT: Arcanum - Artificium (Rune Art + Art History)LIKES: silver piercings and jewelry, her mother's wardrobe, the academy garden, spray and oil painting, eye makeup, astrology, latte art
DISLIKES: silver piercings and jewelry, her mother's wardrobe, the academy garden, spray and oil painting, eye makeup, astrology, latte art
ABOUT: Luna is a prolific arts student excelling in the study of arcane runes and their history. Contrary to her cool demeanor-- she's been the Vice Scholar on the Scholar Council since her first year of attending Astrodyne Academy. Often finding herself in charge of the messier tasks that Yohan delegates to her such as handling interpersonal student affairs and juvenile misconduct. Luna is also the daughter of the current Headmaster Penumbra — but doesn’t like to bring it up despite her deep love and admiration for her mother. Luna is Atlas's senior and former best friend – being Atlas’s guide when Atlas first arrived at Astrodyne. They were practically glued to each other – from studying together at the cafe and library to working together in the Scholar Council to attending the other’s gallery shows or fencing matches. However, shortly after Atlas’s departure, they drifted apart and haven’t been able to rekindle their relationship since.
NAME: Yama Yohannes AlatusYEAR: 3ZODIAC: CapricornDEPARTMENT: Arcanum - Caduceus (Medicinal Magic)LIKES: playing stringed instruments, the academy’s performance hall and art gallery, black coffee, stargazing, crunchy autumn leaves, & cashmere turtlenecks
DISLIKES: playing stringed instruments, the academy’s performance hall and art gallery, black coffee, stargazing, crunchy autumn leaves, & cashmere turtlenecks
ABOUT: Yohan is a high-strung student in the medical Caduceus department and the current 20xx academic year’s Polaris Scholar. Besides his intensive school coursework, he’s in charge of other scholarly duties like overlooking the Scholar Council’s affairs and organizing student events. He’s somehow been able to remain composed and collected after numerous responsibilities fell into his lap after Atlas’s sudden departure. However, since her return, he’s become more irritable – even studying late into the night and later beyond the Scholar Council’s curfew. Anyone who’s been in the same vicinity as Yohan and Atlas knows they should run and prepare for their personalities to clash – but not known to many is that the two were previously childhood friends who even shared the same goal of attending Astrodyne Academy together to study magic.